Three Fabulous Ways to Redecorate a Home

There comes the time when we feel we want a new look in our home. Sometimes we can’t really put a finger on it. We don’t know if new furniture or accessories will suffice, or if we’ll need a more dramatic change. We just know we want something different. When you consult professional interior designers, you may obtain lots of great ideas, whether it is to reuse items around the house that you already have and simply give them a little bit of a facelift, or tear down walls for a completely different look. Most of the time, these simple ideas could indeed make big changes in the décor of your home. Here are a few basic changes you can discuss with your interior designer:

Repaint It

A fresh coat of paint can breathe a whole new life into any piece of furniture. If a piece has previously been dark, your interior designer could have someone lighten it up with a lighter shade or a washed old-fashioned look. You can even take a modern piece and give it a distressed look to take it from contemporary to country with hardly any effort or cost. If you’re doing a child’s room, consider taking that old dark heavy furniture that’s been stored away in the garage and giving it a coat of high gloss paint in a bright primary color. Presto! You have a completely new kid’s room.

Accessorize It:

So what can you do if you like the finish on a piece and you don’t want to paint it but you’d like to give it a bit of a new look? Well, one thing you can do is simply change up the hardware. You will be amazed at the selection of knobs, handles, pulls and hinges that your interior designer can supply you with. An old chest of drawers takes on a real look of whimsy just by changing the old round knobs to pretty hand painted ceramic ones.

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Rearrange It

Another alternative to either paint or hardware when you want a new look, is simply to ask your interior designer how to rearrange the pieces you have as they are. You can bring an old piece back to life simply by giving it a new purpose. For example, an unused chest of drawers from the spare bedroom makes a great linen chest in the bathroom for storing extra towels, facecloths, cleaning cloths and even extra bedding. Put a fancy basket of sweet smelling potpourri on top and your chest has a whole new look! Another great idea is to bring an unused blanket box out of the bedroom, fold a blanket on top and use it as a handy bench in your hall or entryway.

All of these decorating ideas are the perfect complement to more dramatic interior design efforts. However, you must understand that this level of redecorating has its limits. For a more professional, dramatic makeover, consult your local Seattle interior designer and you’ll achieve a look that will surely breathe some fresh air into your home. If you liked this article, tell all your friends about it. They’ll thank you for it. If you have a blog or website, you can link to it or even post it to your own site (don’t forget to mention as the original source.