Bring The Outdoors In – The Country Bathroom

We all know and love the eclectic rustic style of a country kitchen, but have you ever considered a country bathroom? It’s just as cheap and easy to achieve as a country style kitchen and can be truly unique.

With this style, your bathroom doesn’t have to be perfect. If the bathroom suite is a bit old and tatty, or your walls and floor are uneven, use it to your advantage with the country bathroom style and these negative points will turn into positives, adding to the charm of the room. You could save a fortune by changing the style of the room rather than the entire bathroom suite!

Picking a colour scheme for this look can be fun. Pale blue and white or pink and pale green both look spectacular. Don’t get too hung up on the colours though, it really doesn’t matter too much. Coloured walls don’t usually look that great in a bathroom but making the bathroom a little more dark and cosy will work in this case with a pale blue, shades of green, or a dusky pink.

Florals are key to this look. Add them where you can. A traditional pitcher and bowl will look great if you have the space. An old wooden chair can be painted, perhaps add some hand painted flowers, don’t worry if they look a bit rough, that just adds to the charm. Real plants in interesting planters will look great and plants tend to thrive in the moist atmosphere of the bathroom. Look in charity shops for interesting tins or pots to convert into planters. The charity shops are also a good place to hunt out floral fabrics for curtains and chair cushions, and also for old fashioned mirrors and pictures for the walls. Flower prints or Victorian images will look great on the walls. Put more up than you normally would, this look loves a bit of clutter so indulge yourself.

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Tiles will be a real feature in this room. You can get loads of great cheap bathroom wall tiles these days. Find some vintage style flowery tiles, perhaps pick a few different types and create something truly unique. Consider tiling the window sill too, that will make a great surface for your potted plants. If you don’t want the trouble of having house plants, then consider dried flowers or baskets of pot pourri.

An array of flowery or plain towels in pastel colours will add to the look too. Don’t spoil it by throwing in bright red or vivid yellow accessories. Try and hide things that don’t fit in with the theme. Wooden towel rails and toilet roll holders will look better than chrome or plastic ones, either left plain wood or painted.

For the flooring wood can look great, or perhaps slate style porcelain floor tiles. Bathmats or rugs in light colours on top will make the room feel more cosy.

If you have a large room then an old Victorian dressing table would be a brilliant and useful addition to the room. They can often be picked up quite cheaply, keep an eye out on eBay or in your local paper.