Are you frustrated by the way your dog’s behavior? You dog might need a bit more training. Putting some extra time into training your dog will help you get a very obedient pet. The piece that follows is sure to get you advice on how to train your dog properly.

This will let them associate a positive association with the crate.

Timing is everything in training your dog, so you want to spend enough time training them but do not want go overboard. Begin with shorter training and gradually increase the time daily. Pay attention and end the session when your dog starts to get restless.

Try not to reinforce bad behavior in your dog. This means don’t give your dog treats for doing something you don’t want it to do. If the dog jumps at you, don’t encourage him by slipping him a morsel one night or allowing others to do so.

Primary Reinforcement

Primary reinforcement is a proven principle that is useful in your training sessions. Primary reinforcement involves utilizing something that the dog loves to reward for his good behavior. Some common reinforcements are food and rubbing the dog’s favorite treat or a belly rub. This will teach your dog know how to earn something it wants.

Always use of positive reinforcement to train your dog. Don’t ever yell and/or hit your dog. This teaches your dog nothing and will just show him that you are imbalanced.

Teach your dog a simple command. If you do this long enough, the dog is sure to associate treats with the command to be silent.

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You have to be consistent with your dog. If more than one member of your family is training your dog, make sure they all you the same commands, discipline and rewards are concerned. Your pet will learn better if the commands are ones he is familiar with.

Do not quit when you are trying to train your dog. You must supply constant reinforcement for your dog; if you fail to do this, or he or she will go back to how they were before being trained. Training is something you do with your dog all the time, think about it in the same manner as sheltering and feeding your dog.

Older Dogs

Understand that older dogs do have some basic limitations. Older dogs are harder to train because of developed quirks, as they will already be accustomed to certain behaviors to some extent. Although you may be able to teach an older dog new habits, sometimes the best thing to do is focus on the negatives that you want to modify and live with the rest.

A dog who has access to enough food and toys is less likely to dig in the trash. Empty your trash regularly, especially if they contain mean and/or bones.

When teaching your dog how to sit, start by holding a treat above him while he stands. Pass the treat over their head as you move your hand behind them. This will shift their eyes up as he tries to follow your hand. Dogs naturally sit when doing this.

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Time invested in training will always be rewarded with obedience. Substantial improvements in behavior are possible for even the most difficult dogs with consistent training. Remember these tips and watch your dog become trained into obedience.