Replicating the Miami Look With Home Decorations and Colors

Miami Beach at the tip of Florida as style all of its own. The resort was built between the 1920s and 1940s in the Art Deco style, which was popular in New York and Chicago, but in Miami they gave the look at unique twist by choosing a very different range of colors to their buildings.A� In Miami the buildings were painted with bright tropical pinks, sunny yellows, purples, blues and greens. The colors were not primaries but bright pastel ice-cream colors, perfect for a holiday town. These colors have inspired many people that have chosen to have the seashell bathroom theme, or soft tones and hues as a consistent theme throughout their home decoration as the buildings echoed the shape of streamlined ocean liners.

Miami is now one of the world’s top holiday resorts, and its stylish hotels and boulevards are favorite locations for films and fashion photography. Creating your own piece of South Beach should not be too hard because a distinctive color scheme will do most of the work for you. Look out for one or two genuine Art Deco pieces of furniture, either from specialist dealers or flea markets. It should not cost a lot of money and it will make a huge difference in the overall impact. Combine with the right home decorations to enhance the Art Deco look.

Miami used Art Deco shapes but applied its own color scheme – you can do the same with bright pastel upholstery. If you have no luck finding original furniture, buy a plain sofa with a streamlined shape and dress it up with contrasting cushions piped in Miami colors.

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Replicating the look should not be difficult; time and patience will be needed but at least you know you needn’t break the bank. Use soft tones and hues of pinks, yellows and blues and you will not go wrong.